
Become An Agent

How does the Agent Function work?

Agent is anyone who can provide courier services to their customers. It is preferred (although not mandatory) that an agent has a on-street (ideally highstreet) presence as a shop etc. with a computer & printer facility and computer operating knowledge.

GetMyParcel will provide the necessary software and Products for running as a agent. You will be given a rate sheet for each of the products that is agreed with GetMyParcel. An agent will receive a percentage of the total sales of GetMyParcel products as agreed with the GetMyParcel business offer.

What would my typical day as a Agent look like?​

A Typical Day for you as an agent will look as :

  1. You will need to login into the GetMyParcel Business Agent Portal
  2. When a customer approaches to send a courier, you will provide the customers with the available options
  3. Collect parcel / documents to courier and collect payment from the customer.
  4. Make online payment on the GetMyParcel Service.
  5. Our business services will get in touch with you and confirm on the Order / collection date / time
  6. Handover the courier / parcel to the courier collection agent, when they arrive in they come to collect at collection date / time.

How Does and Agent make Money?​

An agent will receive a percentage of the total sales of GetMyParcel products as agreed with the GetMyParcel business offer. Simply contact us to understand the process/ details better.

Who are your typical Customers ?

A Typical Customer for you is:

  1. Retail Customer : Anyone who wants to send a Document / Courier to any other country from UK / within UK or get a Document from another Country to UK.
  2. Business Customer : Any businesses / Online Businesses / Universities / Students etc who want to send (or) receive documents to/ from any other country.

How to become an Agent?

In order to be an Agent the first step is to connect with us for a request. There is a “Franchisee Agent Fee” that is involved to become a full time agent.  Your  local Franchisee Manager should be able to advice you further on the steps and proceeds around the fee and the service. 

There are “Trial Agent Promotions” going on at different times, which offers the opportunity to Trial the Agent function for upto 6 Months, without a Franchisee fee. You could use this time to build a clientele and try out if this is for you. 

What kind of Support does an Agent get?

An Agent will be fully Supported by the GetMyParcel Operations and Franchisee Manager at every step of the Process. 

An agent is provided with Marketing materials, Posters to stick and Software System to login and execute the orders / collect payments. Post the orders are placed and parcels collected, Operations team take over.

What does one need to become an Agent?

Being an Agent, you will need to be able to bring in sales.

You would need at least one of the following –

  • A shop, where customers can reach you to place logistics order and handover parcels, from where we can collect the parcels (or) 
  • A sales person to connect with different businesses and take logistics orders