Add a Review

This page provides guidance for our Customers to leave a review for us on the following sites.

Add a Review on Google

Addding a review on Google is Extremely Simple. Just follow the 2 Steps below and add a review with ease. If you have any more doubts or questions, please do get in touch with us today by sending us an email at -

STEP 1 : Open GetMyParcel in

Simply Click on this button to open the review on a New Page :

This will open page which looks like the image below. Click on the "Write a Review" Button as shown by the arrow on the screen.

STEP 2: Provide a Review

Simply Provide a Star rating & Add a quick comment. Thats it, all DONE !!

Add a Review on TrustPilot

Addding a review on Trustpilot is Simple As Well. Just follow the 2 Steps below and add a review with ease. If you have any more doubts or questions, please do get in touch with us today by sending us an email at -

STEP 1 : Search GetMyParcel in TrustPilot website

Either search for "" on the trustpilot search bar (or) Simply Click on this button to open the review on a New Page :

This will open page which looks like the image below. Click on the "Number of Stars" you want to rate us as in the screen below.

STEP 2: Provide a Review

Simply Provide a a quick encouraging comment and Login with the social media accounts as marked in the screen. Thats it, all DONE !!

Interested to talk to Us?

Terms of use of Contents of this page: Trademark for all logos of Google and Trustpilot belong to individual websites. This review help page has been put together for our customers to guide them to use these third party sites. By using this page, the customer / individual idemnifies GetMyParcel or its Parent Company from any responsibility, explicit or implied, for any content, its effect or its after effect for any data / details added by individuals or companies on any of these third party websites.